Stock chart
Ticker: RLBY Exchange: OTC

Purchase Sale Planned purchase Planned sale Net purchase Net sale
Past 90 days
Value bought
Value sold
Net insiders buying
Trades (buy and sell)
Abbreviations B: Buy, S: Sell, PP: Planned purchase, PS: Planned sale, O: Option / Other
Notification date Transaction date B/S Transaction type Insider and/or position Nb. shares
Number of shares Price Total value Details
2014-09-02 2014-08-29 B Purchase

Eberwein Jeffrey E.

Major owner
6,786,588 +199.5%
848,324 USD
6,786,588 +199.5% 0.13 848,324 USD
2014-09-02 2014-08-29 S Sale

Eberwein Jeffrey E.

Major owner
6,786,588 -100.0%
848,324 USD
6,786,588 -100.0% 0.13 848,324 USD
2014-01-17 2014-01-15 B Purchase

Eberwein Jeffrey E.

President, CEO, CFO

Executive Director Major owner
3,401,360 +inf%
50,000 USD
3,401,360 +inf% 0.01 50,000 USD